How To Use The Gallery Blueprint (previously called Master Gallery)

FooGallery Documentation

How To Use The Gallery Blueprint (previously called Master Gallery)

FooGallery PRO Commerce includes a Gallery Blueprint setting, which allows you to use one or more galleries as a master template for other galleries. Any gallery using the blueprint will adopt the same settings as the Gallery Blueprint.

Note that this setting was called the Master Gallery, but we have relabelled this – we believe that Gallery Blueprint is more accurate and helps provide more clarity on what this feature allows you to do.

When you set up a Blueprint Gallery, you will create and style a gallery, choosing specific settings for your gallery. You will then set this as your blueprint – in other words, it is a template that you can use for any other galleries on your site. You can then set other galleries to use the blueprint, and thereby inherit all of the same settings.

Below is a guide to using this feature.

Creating a Gallery Blueprint

The first step is to create your Gallery Blueprint. You can either set up a new gallery or you can use one of your existing galleries. Once you have set up the gallery and applied the settings that you want to use, you will then set this gallery as the Blueprint. To do this, scroll down the gallery page to the Master Gallery Settings and click on Set as a Gallery Blueprint.

Set template as a gallery Blueprint

Once that has been applied, you will see that the Gallery Blueprint Settings metabox now gives you the option to unset this gallery as a Gallery Blueprint. So if you no longer want to use this as one of your blueprint templates, you can select this option.

You will also see an instruction explaining how to use the Gallery Blueprint, as we explain in more detail next.

Gallery is set as Blueprint and can be used for other galleries

Applying the Blueprint

After you have set up a Gallery Blueprint, you can use this as a template for other new or existing galleries on your site. Any gallery that uses a Gallery Blueprint will inherit all the features of the original gallery; in other words, all settings will be the same as for the selected Gallery Blueprint.

To set a gallery to use one of your blueprints, find the gallery in your gallery library (or create a new gallery). Scroll down to the Gallery Blueprint metabox and click on the drop down menu under Choose a Gallery Blueprint. You will see a list of your blueprints; select the one you wish to use and click on Set.

Set a blueprint for a gallery

Note that when you apply a blueprint, some of the gallery metaboxes will fall away as these are inherited from the original. This includes Bulk Copy, Retina Support, etc. Similarly, you will not see any of the usual gallery settings, such as appearance, hover effects, etc, as these are also inherited from the blueprint. To change any of these settings, you will need to edit the Gallery Blueprint directly. You can access this by clicking on the link provided under gallery settings.

Gallery Settings notice when using a Gallery Blueprint

When you go to edit the Blueprint gallery, you will see a message informing you that you are editing a Gallery Blueprint. This will also let you know how many other galleries will be affected by the edit.

Editing Blueprint notice

Some Points to Note:

Please take note of the following:

  • You can create multiple gallery blueprints on your site.
  • Any settings that you apply to a blueprint gallery will be applied to all galleries that use this as a template.
  • You can set any gallery to be a Blueprint. Alternatively you can set any gallery to use the blueprint gallery.
  • You can unset a blueprint gallery, but only if no other galleries are using it as a template. When trying to unset the gallery, you will see a list of galleries using the blueprint – you can change the blueprint for these and then you will be able to unset the Blueprint gallery.

Note that this feature is only available in FooGallery PRO Commerce. If you are using FooGallery PRO Expert, you can us the Bulk Copy setting to share settings across galleries. FooGallery Free and PRO Starter do include a default gallery setting, where you can use a single gallery as the default settings for any new galleries.