We firmly believe in and stand behind our product 100%. However, we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. We offer free trial versions for most of our products which allows you to test out the pro features before committing to a purchase.
However, should you request a refund, please note the following:
- Our 30-day refund policy is valid for annual and lifetime licenses. Monthly licenses will only be refunded for a valid reason.
- Refunds will only be granted within 30 days of the purchase of the plugin. NO REFUNDS after 30 days.
- Please note that our refund policy for FooConvert differs from our other plugins – FooConvert PRO Analytics falls within the 30-day refund policy, but other addons are non-refundable. Please see our FooConvert FAQ’s for more details.
- We ask that you provide a reason for the refund in order for us to improve in the future.
- In some cases we might ask you for the opportunity to resolve the issue for you.
- We will process your refund as soon as we are able to.
- We reserve the right to cancel accessibility to PRO features on any refund.
- Our refund policy forms part of our Terms & Conditions. Please read these.
Contact Us for any refund requests, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.