Infinite scrolling is part of Advanced Pagination in FooGallery PRO Expert and PRO Commerce. It allows your users to load galleries only as they scroll down to them, meaning they do not have to load the entire gallery all at once. This is particularly useful for larger galleries.
Take note that this option is not available for FooGallery Free, which only offers simple pagination. It is also not available on certain gallery templates, specifically the Image Viewer, Single Thumbnail, and Slider Pro templates, as these do not use paging.
Applying Infinite Scrolling
To make use of this feature, go to the Paging Settings for your gallery. Here you will be able to select Infinite Scroll from the various Paging options.
Once selected, you will be provided with the various settings for Infinite Scroll.
Your page size determines after how many images the scrolling will come into effect. In other words, if you set it to 20, scrolling will only start after the first 20 photos.
Your theme can either be light or dark. And your Paging Output can be set to either JSON or HTML. We recommend using JSON for very large galleries.