Widget Visibility – Display Rules

FooConvert Documentation

Widget Visibility – Display Rules

FooConvert is built to work with the block editor, but there isn’t a FooConvert block. This is because you set the display rules for each of your widgets in the FooConvert editor for that widget. This setting will allow you to select the page/page-types or post/post-types on which you want to display your widget.

In the general settings for any of the FooConvert widgets, you will see Display Rules. If these have been configured correctly, you will see Set and a green tick next to them. If you have not created any rules, it will show as Not Set. To create your rules, you will need to set both your location and user preferences.

Location Visibility Settings

To set your location, click on the Display Rules and choose your location from the drop down available. For example, you can choose to show your widget on the Entire Site, on your Blog page, or just on the Front Page. You can also choose more specific locations by selecting Page or Post, for example, and then adding the exact page or post to the rules.

Set location visibility for FooConvert

You can choose multiple locations by clicking on Add Location and following the same steps as above. Alternatively, you can choose to exclude specific locations.

User Visibility Settings

In FooConvert you can also set who is able to see the widget, by creating visibility rules for users. Here you can select all users, those who are logged in (or out), or users with specific roles, such as Admin of Subscriber.

Set visibility for users in FooConvert

Once you have set both the Location and User Display Rules, you will be able to publish and display your widget. Note that you will also need to set the trigger for your widget – this will determine when and how the widget is displayed on your set locations.
