FooGallery + WP/LR Sync

FooGallery Documentation

FooGallery + WP/LR Sync

Since version 1.8.0 of FooGallery, you have been able to Sync your Galleries with the photos stored in Adobe Lightroom, by using the WP/LR Sync plugin by MeowApps.

These are the features built into FooGallery which work seamlessly with WP/LR Sync:

  • Lightroom keywords can be synchronized back to FooGallery Media Tags or Media Categories. (view tutorial)
  • You can set your FooGallery to load dynamically from a Collection in Lightroom. (view tutorial)
  • Automate the creation of Galleries in FooGallery from Collections when you publish from Adobe Lightroom. (view tutorial)

Setup WP/LR Sync

In order to get WP/LR Sync working correctly you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the WP/LR Sync WordPress plugin on your website.
  2. Purchase a license for the WP/LR Sync Lightroom Publishing Service and install it within Lightroom.
  3. Setup the WP/LR Publish Service within Lightroom
    • Open Lightrooom Publishing Manager and click on WP/LR Sync
    • Enter a name for the Publish Service Description (normally the name of the site you are synchronizing with)
    • Under WP/LR Sync Authentication
      • Key : your licence key for WP/LR Sync.
      • Site URL : the URL of the site you want to sync to (e.g.
      • Token : visit your WordPress admin profile (Users -> Your Profile) for site URL you entered and find the value for Token for WP/LR Sync.
  4. Ensure you set Synchronize to “All Meta” in order for your keywords to be synchronized.
  5. Set all your other settings include Image Sizing, Watermarking etc.

Please note that the gallery images and their order is cached in FooGallery for 24 hours. The cache can be manually cleared by updating the gallery in the admin. Alternatively, you can leave it for 24 hours which will cause the cache to expire and it will pull down the images from Lightroom again.