Proper Theme Configuration for Sharing Images

FooBox Documentation

Proper Theme Configuration for Sharing Images

FooBox has extensive settings in place to enable you to share your images in various Social Media platforms. But in order to share your images with the correct title and descriptions, your theme needs to be properly configured with the correct meta tags.

Every theme is different, and many WordPress sites also rely on a variety of plugins to create custom meta tags for social sharing.

Because every environment will be different, here are some tools to help you better understand your theme and/or plugins and how they affect social sharing on your website:

  1. Facebook Debugger. This is the best tool  available to see what any URL on your site will look like according to Facebook. If the description or url or image is not configured correctly, the debugger will alert to that. It is also helpful to use because Facebook caches urls, so if you make changes to your page, they won’t be reflected unless you run the debugger which will also clear Facebook’s cached version of that url.
  2. WordPress SEO by Yoast. If your theme does not have native Open Graph tags built into it, then using this plugin will help add them correctly and powerfully.
  3. WordPress Theme Checker. Occasionally, users might have a theme that is simply not well coded, or not utilizing WordPress codex standards well, which might interfere with FooBox’s ability to properly pull the necessary information to share your images correctly. This plugin will help give you an idea of whether there are any problems with your theme that need addressing.

Using a combination of these tools should give you a much stronger idea of your theme’s ability to share content correctly with social media platforms.

If problems should arise with FooBox’s sharing of your images, it helps a lot to know that you have explored these options first.
