Upgrading From Free to PRO

General Documentation

Upgrading From Free to PRO

If you’re using FooGallery or FooBox Free and wish to upgrade to the premium version, then you can follow the below steps.

  1. Go to wordpressadmin->plugins->allplugins and deactivate the free version of FooGallery or FooBox. Once deactivated, you will see the option to delete the plugin. Click on this. Don’t worry, you will not lose your settings as they are all stored in the database.
deactivate free plugin
  1. You can now install the premium version of FooGallery or FooBox. To do this, you will need to download, install, and activate the Pro plugin. You can find more info on how to install these plugins at: FooGallery or FooBox.
  2. You can now add your license key by going to wordpressadmin->foogallery->account and entering your specific license key. Once entered, check that the Pro version has been activated; if not, click on the Sync button on the top right of your account page to sync your license.

If you experience any problems, you can contact our support team for assistance.
