Open Images in FooBox
You can open FooBox from a plain old hyperlink. Just give it a class of “foobox”:
<a class="foobox" href="">Open FooBox</a>
You can also specify a caption using data attributes.
for the caption title, and
for the caption description:
<a class="foobox" href="" data-caption-title="Cool Title Should Go Here" data-caption-description="A caption description should go here.">Open FooBox</a>
Open a YouTube Video in FooBox
<a target="foobox" href="">Open a YouTube video</a>
Open HTML in FooBox
<a href="#foobox-inline" target="foobox" data-width="650px" data-height="450px">Open some HTML inside FooBox!</a>
Open a Hidden Gallery in FooBox
To do the Hidden Gallery technique, you need a couple things:
1) A “trigger”. Your “a” tag should look like this:
<a class="footrigger" href="#foohiddengallery">Open Hidden Gallery</a>
The “footrigger” class is necessary, but the href can be anything you like, it just needs to match the id of the DIV in step 2.
2) Next you need a hidden gallery. Create your gallery as you always would, but wrap the shortcode in a div with an ID which matches your trigger href, then hide it with style=”display:none;”. It should look like this:
<div id="foohiddengallery" style="display: none;">[your-gallery-shortcode]</div>
3) Lastly, you’ll need to add some custom code in your FooBox JS&CSS settings tab. Insert the following into the “Custom Extra JS” field:
jQuery(function($) { $('.footrigger').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault();| var hiddenAreaId = $(this).attr('href'); //this is to cater for NextGen galleries (if used instead of WP galleries) $(hiddenAreaId).find('.slideshowlink').remove(); $(hiddenAreaId).find('a:first').click(); }); });