FooGallery includes a fully customizable WordPress Carousel gallery layout. This stunning layout lets you create interactive and effective photo galleries on your WordPress site.

WordPress Carousel Gallery

Below is an example of the Carousel gallery, available in FooGallery Free and Pro. This layout rotates through the images in a gallery, creating a carousel effect.

As you can see in the above gallery, not all of the thumbnails appear at once (as they would in many other gallery layouts). However, there are multiple ways for users to navigate through the gallery:

This WordPress Carousel gallery has some other notable features. Below is a screenshot of the general settings for this gallery layout, giving you an idea of what you can do with this template.

WordPress carousel gallery settings

Some of the features worth noting include:

A Different Look

As you can see from all of the available settings, it’s possible to create quite a different look for your WordPress Carousel gallery. Here’s an example of another Carousel gallery:

Here you can see that there is a gutter between the image thumbnails, so they do not overlap at all. We’ve also made the thumbs slightly bigger and square, and have removed the border around the image, while increasing the drop shadow behind it.

Apart from the difference in appearance, you will also see that the autoplay has been disabled, leaving you to scroll though the images at your own pace. Furthermore, if you click on one of the side images, it will open it directly in the lightbox, rather than centering that image in the gallery.

You can find out more about the Carousel settings in this article.

The WordPress Carousel layout is available in all FooGallery free and pro plans.

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